Kate Westbrook

Musically Mike and Kate still don’t acknowledge boundaries. They ensure that there are excursions into outright Rock, Chanson, Jazz and even Opera, all brought together with that unmistakable Westbrook sound. With the Granite Band they have assembled a company of brilliant young musicians. Earth Felt the Wound takes their creative collaboration with producer Jay Auborn to new heights.

Westbrook Records announces a new album for 2020
Earth Felt The Wound CD Cover

'E A R T H   F E L T   T H E   W O U N D'


words Kate Westbrook

Kate Westbrook voice Roz Harding saxophones

Jesse Molins and Matthew North guitars

Billie Bottle bass guitar, voice, piano

Mike Westbrook piano/keyboard Coach York drums

“Earth felt the wound; and Nature from her seat,

Sighing through all her works, gave signs of woe,

That all was lost.“ John Milton, Paradise Lost, Book 9

Hard on the heels of her ‘epic and groundbreaking’ Granite album, Kate and the Granite Band with producer Jay Auborn are back with a vengeance. Recorded at singer Joss Stone’s studio in the depths of the Devon countryside, mixed and mastered at dBs studios in Bristol, Earth Felt the Wound deploys state-of-the-Art recording to stunning effect and draws from Kate perhaps her greatest vocal performance to date.

EARTH FELT THE WOUND is the sixth release on Westbrook

Records. The production of these albums has been made possible by

the support of our many patrons who are scattered around the world.

Read Press Comments on the
GRANITE webpage

Westbrook Records are distributed by Proper Music.

We gratefully acknowledge the support of Airshaft Trust.

Release date July 2020

A taster from
'The Streams of Lovely Lucienne'
from 'Earth Felt The Wound'

Kate Westbrook and the Granite Band

Kate Westbrook and the Granite Band

As a Patron you are asked to buy the album in advance.

In return you will receive the CD ahead of its official release date

and your name will be credited in the booklet.


To become a patron of Earth Felt the Wound

you are asked to pay a Minimum of £18 to receive your copy

Please email us at admin@westbrookjazz.co.uk


* your name

* your postal address

* the number of copies you want

* the sum you wish to pay

We will send you a PayPal payment request once we receive your email

Your registration is complete once we receive your payment

We prefer payment by PayPal

but you can pay by cheque to:

M & K Westbrook,

PO Box 92

Dawlish EX7 9WN

If you intend to pay by cheque please tell us by email


closing date for the scheme is April 30th

supported by Airshaft Trust





(additional copies £15 each)

UK p/p included, +£3 p/p Europe, +£5 p/p Elsewhere

The songs of Earth Felt the Wound range from hard-hitting truths about the perilous state of the natural world - Threat of Natural Disaster, Storm Petrel - to the tenderness of the ballad Once Upon a Time. The album opens with one of the Westbrooks’ most lyrical songs, The Streams of Lovely Lucienne and concludes with the joyfully comical Rooster Rabelais. Kate’s original texts deal with contemporary issues of climate change and the destruction of the planet, with poetry, wit and irony.

Become a patron of the album
See Below

music Mike Westbrook

Closing date to become a patron was  30th April 2020