Mike Westbrook
Mike Westbrook Recordings
Track Listing
Catania - Live in Sicily 1992
Love and Understanding
Selected Recordings
Says The Duke 2022
London Bridge Live in Zűrich 1990
Says The Duke 2020
Band Of Bands
the piano and me
take one
the piano and me
take two
the piano and me
take three
The Birds of Dartmoor
the piano and me
take four
unedited improvisations
the piano and me
takes one to four
Available as a DOWNLOAD only
£7 +vat to stream and download in FLAC, Mp3 & more
Mike Westbrook Piano
Recorded live at The Bridge, Topsham 9th March 2024
recorded by Matthew North
This album is the third in a set of four. they are available individually as downloads
The other albums are
take one
take two
take four
You can also buy all four together at a special price
the piano and me - Take Three
The Birds of Dartmoor
1. Skylark (Hoagy Carmichael/Johnny Mercer/Mike Westbrook)
Curlew (Mike Westbrook/Kate Westbrook)
Willow Warbler (Ann Ronell/Mike Westbrook)
2. Buzzard (George Gershwin/Mike Westbrook)
Koo Koo (Mike Westbrook)
3. A Bird (Mike Westbrook)
text: 'Es sitzt ein Vogel' Wilhelm Busch tran. Tommy Bodmer
4. Careless (Mike Westbrook)
text: 'Careless Love' traditional
5. Sedge Warbler (Gioacchino Rossini/Mike Westbrook)
text: T.A. Coward 'Birds of Britain'
6. Dipper (Mike Westbrook)
7. Rooster (Mike Westbrook/Kate Westbrook)