Mike Westbrook
Mike Westbrook Recordings
Track Listing
the piano and me - Take 3 cover

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Mike Westbrook Piano
Recorded live at The Bridge, Topsham 9th March 2024

recorded by Matthew North

This album is the third in a set of four. they are available individually as downloads
The other albums are
take one

take two

take four

You can also buy all four together at a special price

the piano and me - Take Three
The Birds of Dartmoor
1. Skylark (Hoagy Carmichael/Johnny Mercer/Mike Westbrook)
    Curlew (Mike Westbrook/Kate Westbrook)
    Willow Warbler (Ann Ronell/Mike Westbrook)
2. Buzzard (George Gershwin/Mike Westbrook)
    Koo Koo (Mike Westbrook)
3. A Bird (Mike Westbrook)
text: 'Es sitzt ein Vogel' Wilhelm Busch tran. Tommy Bodmer
4. Careless (Mike Westbrook)
text: 'Careless Love' traditional
5. Sedge Warbler (Gioacchino Rossini/Mike Westbrook)
text: T.A. Coward 'Birds of Britain'
6. Dipper (Mike Westbrook)
7. Rooster (Mike Westbrook/Kate Westbrook)
Mike Westbrook